Wednesday, June 20, 2012

good things

How's everybody's week going? Hopefully you're all doing wonderfully! I'll keep today's post short and sweet and get right to this week's good things after the jump...

Ice cream that's so good you just have to go back the next day for more. The beautiful waters of Lake Huron surrounding Mackinac Island. Enjoying cool summer evenings outdoors. Shopping with my daughter and my own mama. The joy of putting together outfits for Lorelei after a successful shopping excursion. How cute LJ looks in her little bathing suits, and how much she loves water. Planning a few days of true family vacation coming up. Getting sucked in to this season of The Bachelorette by my sisters and spending the show laughing and texting each other. Realizing that after almost 7 years of marriage, life is still an uncharted, exciting adventure for our little family!

I'd love to hear your good things list, and you can always tweet me some of your favorites with the hashtag #goodthings!


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